
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Creative !deas: Teaser and Reveal Campaign

Objective: is to create a communication (teaser and reveal) that helps the people of Aegon Religare Agency to exercise change management through LEAD, a program devised to bring that change.

Teaser mail : Key message is that change is good
Reveal mail: LEAD is the harbinger of change.

My ideas for this campaign :

Idea 1:
Visual: A basketball team trying hard, dodging the ball, dunking and unsuccessful in scoring goal, all in struggling positions
Headline: To score the goal of success, a need for change in the process is fundamental. So, what is the key to this fundamental.

Visual: The basket ball team with two guys passing the ball, and the ball’s very close in for a goal.
Healine: We call this fundamental to your success as LEAD, an initiative for an indispensable change. Integrate and function as a process, implement this change and taste the flavor of success.

Idea 2:

Visual 1: A group trying hands on “dahi handi” to crack the handi; approach is in a scattered manner revealing lack of co-ordination.
Headline: Change is indispensable. To succeed is vital. So, what discipline does it call for?
Visual: The same group approaching with an integrated effort, managing to  crack the handi.
We call this discipline for change as ‘LEAD’, an initiative defined for your success. Working in integration is the key to our success. Exercise this change and feel the difference.

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